Quantikine Hs “R&D” Il-6 Elisa Kit

Lab Reagents

Human IgG antibody Laboratories manufactures the quantikine hs “r&d” il-6 elisa kit reagents distributed by Genprice. The Quantikine Hs “R&D” Il-6 Elisa Kit reagent is RUO (Research Use Only) to test human serum or cell culture lab samples. To purchase these products, for the MSDS, Data Sheet, protocol, storage conditions/temperature or for the concentration, please contact quantikine elisa. Other Quantikine products are available in stock. Specificity: Quantikine Category: Hs Group: R&D Il-6

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R&D Il-6 information

KoldPod, 15ml Conical Tube

0-120-0039 15 ml
EUR 275
Description: Thermo conductive tube pods

KoldPod, 50ml Conical Tube

0-120-0040 50 ml
EUR 290
Description: Thermo conductive tube pods

Model 150 V/T Ultrasonic Homogenizer

0-121-0002 210-240V/50-60Hz
EUR 2920
Description: Delivers up to 150 Watts of ultrasonic power to the Titanium Tip. The Timer and Duty Cycle function increase preciosion in sample processing processing.

Model 300 V/T Ultrasonic Homogenizer

0-122-0002 210-240V/50-60Hz
EUR 3520
Description: Delivers up to 300 Watts of ultrasonic power to the Titanium Tip. The Timer and Duty Cycle function increase preciosion in sample.

SONABOZ Sound Abating Chamber

0-125-0001 each
EUR 1020
Description: Reduces cavitational sound emitted during processing.

Model 3000 Ultrasonic Homogenizer

0-127-0002 210-240V/50-60Hz
EUR 4120
Description: Delivers up to 300 Watts of ultrasonic power to the Titanium Tip and includes an intergrated Sound Abating Chmaber to reduce cavitational sound emitted during processing. The Timer and Duty Cycle function increase preciosion in sample.

Model 3000MP Ultrasonic Homogenizer

0-128-0002 210-240V/50-60Hz
EUR 4720
Description: Delivers up to 300 Watts of ultrasonic power to the Titanium Tip with preciosion control from a microprocessor and a graphical user interface displayed on a large (145 mm) LCD display. The integrated Sound Abating Chamber reduces cavitational sound emitted during processing.

OMNICON® Zone Reader, 210-240V/50-60Hz

0-131-0002 210-240V/50-60Hz
EUR 35200
Description: Designed to Perform multi-plate Assays on round 90/100mm Petri Dishes. The integrated LED illumination system provides transmitted light for brightfield and darkfield illumination of transparent media.

OMNI-Noculator Peni Cylinder Filler, 210-240V/50-60Hz

0-134-0002 210-240V/50-60Hz
EUR 32200
Description: A robotic liquid handling system designed to dispense Peni Cylinders and fill Peni Cylinders with the corresponding antibiotic liquid sample.

Peni Cylinder Dispenser with Manual Hopper

0-144-0002 each
EUR 5406
Description: Dispenser can be configured to dispense 4 or 6 Peni Cylinders onto a petri dish.

Peni Cylinder Dispenser with Motorized Hopper, 100-240V/50-60Hz

0-144-0003 100-240V/50-60Hz
EUR 6254
Description: The motorized hopper can be configured to dispense 4 or 6 Peni Cylinders onto a petri Dispenser can be disassembled for disinfection.

Stainless Steel Peni Cylinder with Flat Face

0-144-0005 6mm I.D. x 8mm O.D. x 10mm Long
EUR 399
Description: sold in packages of 100 pieces

Stainless Steel Peni Cylinder with Chamfered Face

0-144-0006 6mm I.D. x 8mm O.D. x 10mm Long
EUR 412
Description: sold in packages of 100 pieces

Custom development of ELISAs for other species or antibody isotypes not listed in the catalog. Custom testing of samples for IgG/IgM/IgA or total (IgG+IgM+IgA)

000-CUS Custom
EUR 602

Alpha-Bungarotoxin, CF®405S, 500 ug

00002 1UG
EUR 527
Description: Alpha-bungarotoxin from Krait snake venom (Bungarus multicinctus)

Alpha-bungarotoxin, CF405s

00002 500uG
EUR 594
Description: Minimum order quantity: 1 unit of 500uG

Alpha-Bungarotoxin, CF®405S, 500 ug

00002-1 EA
EUR 527